Recommended Restaurants

Abe’s Bar-B-Q, 616 State Street, Clarksdale, Mississippi

One restaurant we liked in Clarksdale, Mississippi was Abe’s Bar-B-Q, 616 State Street, near the Crossroads marker at the intersection of Highway 61 and Highway 49.

Abe’s BBQ has been in business since 1924. It is nothing fancy to look at but the food was good, it was clean and the prices were reasonable. We will be going back whenever we are in Clarksdale.

Abe's Bar-B-Q, 616 State Street, Clarksdale, Mississippi (photo by
Abe’s Bar-B-Q, 616 State Street, Clarksdale, Mississippi (photo by

Here is a map showing the location of Abe’s BBQ:

Here is a photo of the roadside sign outside Abe’s Bar-B-Q.

Sign outside Abe's Bar-B-Q, 616 State Street, Clarksdale, Mississippi (photo by
Sign outside Abe’s Bar-B-Q, 616 State Street, Clarksdale, Mississippi (photo by

Abe’s Bar-B-Q is near the Crossroads marker at the intersection of Highway 61 and Highway 49.

The Crossroads, the intersection of Highway 49 and Highway 61, in Clarksdale, Coahoma County. Mississippi
The Crossroads, the intersection of Highway 49 and Highway 61, in Clarksdale, Coahoma County. Mississippi

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