Each month we feature a Blues Artist of the Month.
Our Featured Blues Artist For August 2017 is Muddy Waters.
The Mississippi Blues Trail has placed a marker at the site of Muddy Waters’ House at Stovall Farm, outside Clarksdale, Coahoma County, Mississippi. Our page on Muddy Waters’ House is one of most frequently read pages on our MississippiBluesTravellers.com website.
During the late 1920’s Howlin Wolf lived and worked on the Dockery Farm, the the Dockery Plantation, in Sunflower County, Mississippi.
The Dockery Farms entrance sign, Highway 8, Sunflower County, Mississippi
Howlin’ Wolf made his first recordings for Sam Phillips at Memphis Recording Service (later Sun Recording Studio) in Memphis in 1951. Sam Phillips considered Howlin’ Wolf the most important artist he recorded.
The Memphis Recording Service, Sun Records and Sun Studio, 706 Union Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee