The Mississippi Blues Trail marker for Mississippi John Hurt stands outside a small derelict country store on Carroll County Road 204 near Avalon, Carroll County, Mississippi.
The GPS location of the marker is: N 33° 37.977′ W 90° 02.040′

The front of the marker reads:
“MISSISSIPPI JOHN HURT – World-renowned master of acoustic guitar John Hurt, an important figure in the 1960s folk blues revival, spent much of his life doing farm work around Avalon in Carroll County and performing for parties and local gatherings. Hurt (1893-1966) only began to earn a living from music after he left Mississippi in 1963 to play at folk festivals, colleges and coffeehouses. His first recordings, 78 rpm discs recorded in 1928-29, are regarded as classics of the blues genre.”
Here is a video of Mississippi John Hurt:
This Mississippi Blues Trail marker stands outside the ruins of a small country store on Carroll County Road 204. It is easy to miss. Carroll County Road 204 is a gravel road at the marker but changes to a paved road just past the marker. If you get to a paved road, you’ve gone too far. These photos show the Mississippi Blues Trail marker and the ruins of the small country store beside it.

If you’ve come this far, you should also see Mississippi John Hurt’s grave a short drive from this Mississippi Blues Trail marker.

The GPS location of Mississippi John Hurt’s grave site is: N 33° 38.823′ W 90° 02.095′
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