Some Google Maps Street Views on Getting To Mississippi John Hurt’s Grave
Some of our readers have recently reported having difficulty finding Mississippi John Hurt’s grave using the GPS locations we have shown on our webpage about Mississippi John Hurt’s grave. If other readers are experiencing similar difficulties, here are some Google Maps Street View images of the route to the grave. We hope these images help resolve some of these reported problems.
First, start off at the Mississippi Department of Archives & History marker at the intersection of Highway 7 and Carroll County Road 41. (note: when we were last there, the road sign on this road said “Carroll County Road 204” and we have used that road designation on our webpage. To avoid confusion here, we will use the Google Maps reference to County Road 41.)
The Google Street View image above shows the intersection of Mississippi Highway 7 and Carroll County Road 41. The Mississippi Department of Archives & History has placed a commemorative marker at this intersection to honor Mississippi John Hurt.

Carroll County Road 41 runs approximately east-west. Turn eastward on Carroll County Road 41 and follow it eastward. County Road 41 eventually curves south but it can be confusing as there is a smaller road which continues straight. Be sure to follow County Road 41 as it curves south. Here is what County Road 41 looks like as you approach the curve:
Keep following County Road 41 as it starts to climb uphill. You will come to a turnoff leading uphill to the left onto a narrow dirt road which runs past the cemetery where Mississippi John Hurt is buried. Here is what the turnoff looks like from County Road 41 on Google Street View:
Our GPS reading for the location for the intersection of this dirt road with County Road 41 is: N 33° 38.101 W 90° 02.412′
On Google Maps, the road you will take to Mississippi John Hurt’s grave is called St. James Church Road. There are no Google Street View images available for St. James Church Road so we can’t show you a Google Street View image of the cemetery where Mississippi John Hurt is buried.
But you should be able to find the cemetery based on our GPS reading, taken using a Garmin handheld GPS.
Our GPS reading for the location of Mississippi John Hurt’s grave is: N 33° 38.823′ W 90° 02.095′
Here is is our photo of the entrance to the cemetery from the road which Google Maps refers to as St. James Church Road:

You’ll find a trail leading into the trees from the left side of the road, shown in the photo above. Our GPS reading for the location of the point where the trail meets the St. James Church Road is: N 33° 38.825′ W 90° 02.060′
Here is a photo of Mississippi John Hurt’s grave at the rear of the cemetery:

Our GPS reading for the location of Mississippi John Hurt’s grave is: N 33° 38.823′ W 90° 02.095′
If our readers think it would be worthwhile for us embed a Google Map on this page showing the location of various local sites related to Mississippi John Hurt, please let us know. You can Contact Us by putting a comment in the dialog box at the bottom of the page.
Tried to get to the gravesite on 10/24 but the main paved road was closed for repairs.
Sorry to hear that. Do you know whether the road has been re-opened?