Recommended Recordings

As part of Our Recommendations and Recommended Recordings for Rufus Thomas Jr. we are recommending Funkiest Man Alive: The Stax Funk Sessions 1967-1975.

CD cover, Funkiest Man Alive: The Stax Funk Sessions 1967-1975 by Rufus Thomas. On Fantasy Records.
CD cover, Funkiest Man Alive: The Stax Funk Sessions 1967-1975 by Rufus Thomas. On Fantasy Records.

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Also see our pages on:

The grave of Rufus Thomas Jr. (1917-2001) and his wife C. Lorene Thomas (1919-2000), New Park Cemetery, Memphis, Tennessee
The grave of Rufus Thomas Jr. (1917-2001) and his wife C. Lorene Thomas (1919-2000), New Park Cemetery, Memphis, Tennessee

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