Recommended Recordings
An edition of Robert Johnson’s Complete Recordings is an essential part of any blues fan’s music collection.
The Robert Johnson Complete Recordings we are currently recommending is the Centennial Collection, released by Sony Legacy in 2011. The remastering on this edition has resulted in a noticeable improvement in sound quality compared with previous editions.

Available through and these Amazon affiliates:
- | CD edition | Digital Download |
- | CD edition | Digital Download |
If you’re in Mississippi you might want to check out these locations associated with Robert Johnson:
Abbay & Leatherman – Robert Johnson grew up on the Abbay & Leatherman Plantation near Robinsonville, Tunica County.

There are three reputed grave sites for Robert Johnson in Leflore County. We think the grave at Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church near Money, Mississippi is the most likely Robert Johnson gravesite.

Hooks Brothers Photography Studio, 164 Beale Street, Memphis, Tennessee. There are only two known photos of Robert Johnson. The studio portrait of Robert Johnson used on the album cover of Robert Johnson Complete Recordings (shown above) was taken at Hooks Brothers Photography.

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