We have been contacted by one of our readers, Teddy Wells, who is compiling a family history and is requesting assistance in locating ancestors and relatives.
Teddy says his great grandfather was Tom Stovall, a former slave who later worked at Stovall Farms outside Clarksdale, Coahoma County, Mississippi. Muddy Waters was working and living at Stovall Farm when he was first recorded by Alan Lomax in 1941-42.
Here is Teddy Wells’ request:
“My name is Teddy Wells,
I’m the grandson of Tommie Lee Stovall. I’m trying to locate Glen Stovall.
I have been tracing my family history and it lead me to Tom Stovall (my great grandfather) which he was a former slave for this plantation [Stovall Farms]. It would be an honor to connect with him to give me a tour of the plantation upon my visit in the near future. My phone number is 808.228.0181. I’m currently living in Hawaii.”
If anyone can help Teddy with any information he can be contacted at 808.228.0181, his work number Text/Voice 808.971.1553 or via the Hawaii Actors Network website: www.hawaiiactorsnetwork.com