The Tennessee Historical Commission marker for Casey Jones is located on Riverside Drive, near the Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau, in Memphis, Tennessee.

This marker reads:
“CASEY JONES – From a station on this site the night of Apr. 29, 1900, John Luther Jones, replacing the detailed engineer, took out engine 382, pulling the Illinois Central ‘Cannonball.’ Driving into a blocked switch at Vaughn, Miss., early the following morning, he stayed with his engine to save his passengers. He was the only man to die in the wreck.”
Casey Jones and the train wreck at Vaughn, Mississippi have inspired some great music. Here is Mississippi John Hurt doing talking Casey Jones.
Here are some links to more information on Casey Jones and the train wreck at Vaughn, Mississippi:
- Vaughn – Mississippi Preservation
- Water Valley Casey Jones Railroad Museum
- American Folklore
- Water Valley Casey Jones Railroad Museum
- Illinois Central Wreck Report
- Newspaper Reports
- The Wreck Site
- Vaughn – Mississippi Preservation ;
Here are some more songs about Casey Jones
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